18 May 2007

Foodies and...no passport

The other night I had my first experience with "foodies". Def: Foodie: A person who has an ardent or refined interest in food; a gourmet. What a bunch of cool and quirky folks! I talked with several people in such a way that it seemed as though we'd known each other for years. It was great.

The reason for my encounter with the foodies was that Jacques Pepin was at my sister-in-law, Ashley's, parents' house for a meet and greet of sorts--her mother is a known southwest cooking chef here in Arizona. So, of course I took advantage of the situation and went along!

The "duh" statement of the evening would be to say that the food was amazing. I had my first ever pate and tapenade. Both were fabulous. I felt compelled to ask Jacques where I should eat in France. I felt it somewhat appropriate since I will be in the area in about three weeks. I asked him, out of the blue, where I should eat if I'm on a "budget". Uh...he laughed at me...alot. I suppose it would be a bit out of the ordinary for him to have some young dingdong asking him about cheap places to eat :P It seemed like a good idea at the time, however I brought nothing away from the conversation--all I retained was something about the Michelin Man. Really, I have no idea. All in all, he was a very nice person and seemed more than willing to give me advice.

And yes...still no passport. Everyone cross your fingers and hope that it gets here within the next 8 days!! (I plan to inquire at the post office tomorrow and cause a small scene if necessary)

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