31 May 2007

Cold and rainy in a tiny town

Ika took me to her school and showed me around today, then I took off on my own and went to Kupolen (the dome-like building). I walked around for a while then walked back to meet her. After lunch we hung out for a while before going to meet her friend Johanna. We met her at a different grocery store (where Ika put her plastic bottle into a machine and got paid for it!) before walking back to her apartment. It's actually a student living space. She shares a kitchen and living room with 7 other students and they each have their own dorm-type room. We hung out with Johanna for quite some time. We had SUCH a good time talking and laughing. After we left her place we walked back to Ika's and changed so she could go to practice and I could go run. Today I went to a gym and ran on a treadmill (door with the red sign). It's sooo cold and wet right now. Unfortunately I pulled my Achilles heel! Who knows what caused it (riding a bike, running in the cold, the plane, the list goes on). So I'll be icing and resting for a few days before we take off on our road trip (which we are soooooo looking forward to). Luckily it is supposed to be sunny tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Curtis said...

so cool. damn youre so lucky. im lucky if i get to see outside recently. on a side note. i had a strange dream about you after you called. you were lost and i was trying to find you... this song was playing in the background. i don't even know the song!