29 December 2007

movie sweetness

I love going to movies when it's cold outside. Actually I love going to movies whatever the weather is. This week/weekend has been movie theater mania. I've gone to see three movies...so far...muahahaha.

A brief review perhaps?

26 December 2007

I went to this movie thinking it would be a nice light-hearted and witty comedy about a pregnant teen. I was correct, however did not give it near the credit I now know it deserves. Juno was hilarious as well as surprisingly poignant. Movies don't often make me feel a certain way. This one did. Can't explain it. It just did. Please go see it.

28 December 2007

Um. Interesting. I went into this movie expecting a big flashy action movie. I was for the most part right again, however, I was surprised. It was definitely not your run-of-the-mill Will Smith action movie. It did have the humor and the action but...I Am Legend was a seriously scary movie. I mean, cover your ears and eyes scary at parts. I'd say this movie was pretty good. I'd also say that if you had any desire to see it in the first place, I would recommend seeing it in the theater. The CG is pretty cool--coming from a non-expert of course--and Will Smith got in really good shape for this movie ;)

29 December 2007

I had no idea what to expect going into this movie. I hadn't read anything about the actual movie; I'd only read that it was very good. I'd have to agree. It was good. It was a tiny bit weird at parts-my mom and I decided that they probably tried to stick too closely to the book, probably having left out information that would have been helpful to the flow of the story. I LOVED the cinematography of Atonement better than any other component of the movie. The story was interesting, with a good twist, however the look and sound of it was incredible. Fabulous. I recommend it.

Overall rating for these three movies:
1. Juno
2. Atonement
3. I Am Legend

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