15 July 2007

Berlin, Germany!

I am already in Finland (and have been for a couple of days), however I wanted to give Berlin its own post because it definitely deserves full attention. This city ties with Paris with regard to being filled with crazy awesomeness. I learned SO much history and have now become addicted to the subject. Unfortunately Berlin has such heartbreaking history I was rather drained once I left. I had the option of touring a concentration camp but ended up passing because I'd just gone to the museum beneath the Holocaust Memorial. I'd learned enough about that horror for one day. Also, simply looking at the remaining portions of the Berlin wall is exhausting when you think about all that it stands for.
There were so many things to see and do in Berlin that I barely even scratched the surface. However, I'm happy with the amount that I saw in the amount of time I had. I went on an awesome walking tour of the city which gave a nice overview of about 800 years of history. I saw and learned about things that I would have walked right passed had I not been on the tour. I also met some really really cool people from the States that I may actually keep in contact with. All of them were from somewhere in California. Actually one of the people I hung out with for a couple of days was DJ Qualls and his best friend. They were great. Just another couple of cool people I got to laugh and hang out with along the way.
I'm happy to share that on my last full day in Berlin (July12th) I went to the Sony Center and watched the new Harry Potter movie. I actually had alot of fun. I didn't have any expectations for doing something like going to the movies. However, even the seemingly uninteresting things become interesting when you're in a place like this.

1 comment:

Ana said...

Last time i was in Berlin was few weeks before the fall of the wall.I remember those sad feelings. But the saddest is that this had happen recently in Rwanda and right now in Sudan,(what about middle east??and the list go on... asia, latin america.........)
Any way... have fun !!!